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The story of the yellow chicken…

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A while ago, a friend of ours was staying with us for a few weeks. This friend loves to cook, and one day he came home gloriously with a yellow chicken stating that this is going to be “so so much better and tastier” than the “normal”, let’s call it pale chicken.  I was not to convinced about this chicken yellowness… it was way to yellow to be a true homegrown chicken. I suspected it was some sort of food dye, to make it more attractive to naive people. I have seen howegrown chickens that were indeed yellower than the pale chickens are usually but definitely not this type of yellow coloring. He prepared the food, which was delicious… as usual,but I haven’t tasted anything out of the ordinary with this chicken. Like he said it will be.

I forgot about this small episode entirely until a few days ago when we went shopping and we saw yellow chickens for sale beside the normal ones. I was curious if I make a chicken broth will it be different than the ones made from the pale chickens? This is what gave me the idea of the “yellow chicken test”… (pseudo test mainly :D)

Of course, my test is basically just a game, so nothing too serious about to find out if it’s worth it to pay the higher price for this type of chickens that had all sorts of “magical” labels.

First test: the broth test

Because I made quite often chicken broth from one chicken without the chicken breast, I used the same setup this time. I was expecting some extraordinary taste from this chicken, and the results were quite disappointing. The broth was totally average, in fact it was not in the top 10 of the chicken broth that I made let’s say in a year… 

Second test: the fried chicken breast

I also had some normal (not yellow) chicken breasts so it was ideal for test number to. I palced all of them in a pan and put them in the oven with the same spices and of course the same cooking time. This test was much better so I was waiting ancciously to taste the results. And despite the fact that we actually did a basic blind test when tasting the food, the yellowness of the expensive chicken did not contribute in any way to the taste of the chicken.

So why would he think it’s better?

Most probably this…

The nice labels, the magic words (“organic”, “bio”,”ecologic” and so on, the heftier price tag, are all very convincing that this is a much superiour product. And if you pay more for it than it has to be better, otherwise you  look stupid for throwing out the money. So the myth of better because of the color is born.

Now… how is this relevant to all this blog anyway? 

Not really relevant. Unless to inform you that I can make awesome chicken broth  😀 I wrote it down, because this chicken story got me thinking about how many times I see people jumping into buying something just because it has the nice labels or the sales text contains the right trigger words and they actually have no idea that they buy “dreams” and nothing else. Often people come that “omg this theme is the most awesome, so many sites are using it”… and yet that theme is nothing but hassle to work with.  Also if the price is more expensive than the regular themes people tend to think they are better. People are still buy it, because “it MUST be good”… More on how to choose the right theme soon… Ah… and btw. this “it’s more expensive, so must be good” trend you can notice on themeforest. A while ago all themes were around 45usd. Now themes got up and most of them are 55-60… you can guess the trend. 

I wrote it down because this chicken story got me thinking about how many times I see people jumping into buying something just because it has the nice labels or the sales text contains the right trigger words and they actually have no idea that they buy “dreams” and nothing else. Often people come that “omg this theme is the most awesome, so many sites are using it”… and yet that theme is nothing but a hassle to work with.  Also if the price is more expensive than the regular themes people tend to think they are better. People are still buying it, because “it MUST be good”… More on how to choose the right theme soon… Ah… and btw. this “it’s more expensive, so must be good” trend you can notice on ThemeForest. A while ago all themes were around 45usd. Now themes got up and most of them are 55-60… you can guess the trend. 

The moral of the story?

The yellow chicken might not taste better 😀 that´s it.  And not all very expensive themes (from ThemeForest or other places) are THE BEST for your site. It depends on your site and what you want to do with it.