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The arrogant client

Arrogance at it’s best…  I don’t know how other freelancers are with this type of jobs, but I really find them amusing. Hence the reason why I “collect” them. It’s not every day to see a job posting with such level of arrogance from the “employer”. I am always wondering, that those people who decide to actually bid and work with this type of persons… are treated somewhat nicely after selected for the job, or the same attitude continues?

What puzzles me ALL THE TIME is that these people “know” exactly how much time and effort is involved (“It’s an hour or so of work”), they know exactly what to do (“FTP in, check file dates, look at index page, remove code. Then check a few posts to be sure they’re okay.”) yet they still prefer to waste time (more than a week) to find the proper freelancer to do it for them. With their “high level of expertise” they could have   cleaned the site themselves already, spending  that “one hour or so” to fix it, instead of just trying to find a 3rd world freelancer to do it for them.

Even the title is funny: “Fix six slightly hacked WordPress sites” because let me set things straight: a website is either hacked or not, there is no such thing as “slightly” hacked website.


 Not sure how you feel about this jobs.. but I will surely not waste any bid on them. But most probably these are the persons who go to the auto mechanic and tell the guys what to do and how to fix that “tiny small issue” with their car.. that actually has a blown up engine…